Law Office of John A. Hedrick, PLLC

How Much Does Workers Comp Pay For a Neck Injury?

How much does workers compensation pay for a neck injury in North Carolina

Those who have experienced a neck injury as a result of their job may consider pursuing compensation for time spent recovering or for ongoing problems caused by the injury. Most neck injuries and back injuries that occur from a specific event at the workplace are eligible for workers compensation. Every state has different rules for how much compensation can be awarded for a neck injury. As a workers comp lawyer in North Carolina, John Hedrick will ensure that you get the benefits that you deserve and are compensated fairly for your workplace injury. We will work around the clock to ensure that you receive compensation to cover lost wages, medical bills, and any other expenses that you have encountered as a result of your workplace injury. 

A common question that clients we work with ask us is “how much does workers comp pay for neck injuries in NC?”. There are a variety of variables that will determine just how much compensation you will receive for a workplace neck injury. The Law Offices of John A. Hedrick will fight alongside you to ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve for your injury. 


How much will workers comp pay for a neck injury in North Carolina?


The type and severity of your injury will determine how much compensation you are eligible for.  We are unable to provide an average amount of compensation or an amount of compensation that you can expect workers compensation to pay for a neck injury in North Carolina. Although we can’t provide you with an amount of money that you can expect, we can explain the process that will be used to determine how much workers comp you receive for a neck injury.


Temporary Total Indemnity for a neck Injury


Temporary Total Indemnity, also referred to as TTD, is compensation for wages lost as a result of your neck injury. Typically temporary total indemnity is equal to 66% of wages that you are unable to earn as a result of your workplace injury. You will be paid this amount for the length of time that you are unable to work due to the injury. This compensation is not taxed and in most cases is equivalent to the amount you normally earn after taxes. It is important that you speak with a lawyer to discuss how much compensation that you can expect from TTD. Some jobs that have a base salary with additional compensation based on commission can complicate the amount of TTD money that you receive. A workers compensation lawyer will help ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve. 


Permanent Partial Disability for a neck Injury in North Carolina 


Permanent Partial Disability, or PPD, is compensation for permanent injury that resulted from a workplace accident or event. The amount of compensation that your permanent injury is eligible for depends on a rating that is determined by a doctor. The rating determines how severe the permanent injury is and is used to calculate how much compensation you will receive for a permanent neck injury. The state of North Carolina has established what each rating is worth for every specific body part. Working with a workers compensation lawyer will give you a better idea of how much PPD your permanent neck injury workers compensation will pay. Our team will work alongside you to make sure that you take the required steps that will help you get the maximum benefit from your injury. We will guide you through the process and make sure that you get the compensation that you deserve. 

Contact the Law Offices of John A. Hedrick today to learn more about how we can ensure that you enjoy the benefits that you deserve for your neck injury. Give us a call or fill out the online contact form below to get in touch. We will be more than happy to assist you and make sure that you get compensated for your workplace neck injury.


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