Law Office of John A. Hedrick, PLLC

How Much Does Workers Comp Pay For a Back Injury

how much does workers comp pay for a back injury in nc

If you have been injured and are unable to work, you may want to learn more about how much workers comp pays in North Carolina. Workers compensation is different in every state. As a workers compensation lawyer in North Carolina, John Hedrick will ensure that you get the benefits that you deserve. We will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the compensation you need to cover medical bills, lost wages, and other costs associated with your workplace injury. 


A common question that we receive from clients we work with is “how much does workers comp pay for back injuries in nc?”. There are a number of different variables that can affect how much compensation you will receive for a workplace back injury. The Law Offices of John A. Hedrick will fight to ensure that you maximize the compensation that you receive for your workplace back injury.


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How much will workers comp pay for a back injury in North Carolina?


Depending on the severity and type of your injury, you will receive a different level of compensation. We cannot speak to an average amount that workers compensation will pay for a back injury in North Carolina, however, we can explain how the amount that you receive will likely be determined. 


Temporary Total Indemnity for a Back Injury


Temporary Total Indemnity or TTD is the portion of compensation that is equal to 66% of your wages while you are out of work due to your back injury. In most cases this works out to be equivalent to the take home portion of your salary. TTD money will not be taxed and will be paid as for the duration of time that you are out of work as a result of the injury to your back. Speak to a lawyer for more specific information about how much you can expect from TTD and to ensure that your TTD is correctly calculated. 


Permanent Partial Disability for a Back Injury in North Carolina 


Permanent Partial Disability, or PPD, is compensation for permanent injury and is paid depending on a rating that is determined by a doctor. The state of North Carolina has established what each rating is worth for every specific body part. A lawyer can help give you a better understanding of how ratings for PPD translate to compensation. Generally speaking a rating is equated to a duration of temporary total indemnity which translates to a specific amount of compensation. Our team will work with you to ensure that you take the steps necessary to get a PPD rating that provides you with the most benefit for your injury. 


Other Useful Information


In order to be eligible for workers compensation in the state of North Carolina you must be able to identify a specific event or accident that caused the back injury. It is important that you are able to point to a specific time and place that an event occurred that was the source of your pain. The event must be one specific event rather than an activity that lasted for a span of a few hours. 


Contact the Law Offices of John A. Hedrick today to learn more about how we can ensure that you enjoy the benefits that you deserve for your back injury. Give us a call or fill out the online contact form below to get in touch. We will be more than happy to assist you and make sure that you get compensated for your workplace back injury. 


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No Obligation Injury Claim Evaluation
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Once we review your information we will be in contact to discuss your claim. Please allow 24 hours for review

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No Obligation Injury Claim Evaluation

Fill out the simple form below and a member of our legal team will be in contact to discuss the details of your case.
Once we review your information we will be in contact to discuss your claim. Please allow 24 hours for review.

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