Law Office of John A. Hedrick, PLLC

Workers Comp Attorney Near Angier, NC

If you have recently been injured while at work and you are located in Angier, NC you should contact John Hedrick to get the settlement you deserve. John Hedrick is a workers comp attorney located in Raleigh, and he is here to help anyone who has suffered an injury on the job in North Carolina. He will work with you to get the best settlement possible for your injury, so don’t hesitate to contact him today.

Common Back and Neck Injuries

There are a few common neck and back injuries that one can sustain while working. One of the most common is a herniated disc, which can occur when too much pressure is put on the spine. Herniated discs can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the neck or back. Another common injury is spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spinal canal that can lead to pain, numbness, and weakness. Lastly, another common injury is a sprain or strain of the neck or back, which can cause muscle spasms, inflammation, and pain.

When it comes to workers’ compensation settlements for neck and back injuries, it really depends on the individual case. Some injuries may be more severe than others, and may therefore warrant a larger settlement. However, in general, most workers’ comp settlements for neck and back injuries range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. If you have suffered a neck or back injury while at work, it is important to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to learn more about your rights and potential settlement options.

Common Hand and Foot/Ankle Injuries

Other body parts that are frequently injured at work include hands, feet, and ankles. Some common hand, foot, and ankle injuries are:

• Hand and foot injuries: cuts, lacerations, burns, fractures, dislocations

• Ankle injuries: sprains, strains, fractures

Common Shoulder Injuries

Some common shoulder injuries that you can get while at work include rotator cuff tears, dislocations, and strains. In general, you are likely to get a workers comp settlement on shoulder injuries that are severe and/or result in permanent impairment. For example, if you have a rotator cuff tear that requires surgery and results in permanent impairment, you may be able to receive a workers comp settlement. However, if your shoulder injury is relatively minor and does not cause any long-term problems, you may not be able to receive compensation.

How much will workers compensation pay for a shoulder injury in nc

Biggest Mistakes You Can Make After You’re Injured At Work

Mistake #1 – If you are injured on the job, it is important to report the injury as soon as possible. This will give you the best chance of receiving workers compensation benefits. Failing to report your injury in a timely manner is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to giving yourself a good chance at winning your workers comp case.

Mistake #2 – In order to file a workers’ compensation claim in North Carolina, you must first notify your employer of the injury. You must also file a Notice of Accident to Employer with the North Carolina Industrial Commission. You have two years from the date of your accident to file a claim with the Industrial Commission.

Contact John Hedrick If You Have Been Injured At Work

John Hedrick, Attorney at LawIf you have recently been injured on the job, contact The Law Office of John Hedrick. With over 25 years of experience, John Hedrick is the right man for the case. He will work hard to get you the best settlement possible for your injuries.

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Once we review your information we will be in contact to discuss your claim. Please allow 24 hours for review

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No Obligation Injury Claim Evaluation

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Once we review your information we will be in contact to discuss your claim. Please allow 24 hours for review.

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